L Shaped Wall Shelf Angle Brackets (Pack of 5)

L Shaped Wall Shelf Angle Brackets (Pack of 5)



L Shaped Wall Shelf Angle Brackets (Pack of 5)
  • Finished with a long-lasting
  • Rust Proof
  • Suitable For: Fixing, Repairing, Strengthening, Joining, home, office, building etc.
  • Product Name: Angle Bracket; Main Material: Stainless Steel

L Shaped Wall Shelf Angle Brackets (Pack of 5)

The utility shelf brackets usually were used as a bookshelf,

exhibition stand, and external wall brackets, garden shelves in the garages, basements, storage rooms,

Keep things organized and displayed in style with our L-shaped modern designed shelf brackets in sleek black powdered coated metal.

Versatile to fit sleek modern, contemporary, or rustic decor in your kitchen.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

2x2inch, 3x3inch, 1.1/2 X 1.1/2 INCH


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    L Shaped Wall Shelf Angle Brackets
    L Shaped Wall Shelf Angle Brackets (Pack of 5)
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