Fevicol Marine Waterproof Adhesive - Implemental

Fevicol Marine Waterproof Adhesive



  • Fevicol Marine is fast setting (4 hours) and offer superior coverage
  • Ideal adhesive for marine plywood along with advanced waterproofing properties
  • Superior coverage
  • 24 hrs setting time

Fevicol Marine Waterproof Adhesive

One of the most trusted brands of adhesives, Fevicol was first marketed in India in 1959. Loved for its superior quality and ease of application which has helped the brand make its way to the hearts and minds of millions. Fevicol comes with a wide variety of the products like Fevicol SH (trusted product from Fevicol for more than 50 years), Fevicol Marine (a waterproof adhesive for wet areas), Fevicol HI-PER (Hi performance adhesives).

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1 kg, 10 Kg, 2 Kg, 20 kg, 30 Kg, 5 Kg, 50 Kg, 500 g, 60 Kg


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