Hand Vice Spring Type-Set of 2

Hand Vice Spring Type-Set of 2


2 in stock

Hand Vice Spring Type-Set of 2
  • Use to hold small objects tight while grinding, drilling, filing, hammering, sanding, shaping, etc.
  • Jaws have vertical and horizontal V grooves for holding round objects.
  • Use a hand vise and save your fingers. Hand vise has a handle attached to a set of jaws which can clamp down on various items.
  • The jaws can be tightened with the assistance of wing screws, and they typically have a spring catch which keeps them open to the width they are set at.
  • Dimension: 10.5 x 3.5 x 6.5 Cm

Hand Vice Spring Type-Set of 2

A hand vice is probably the most versatile of all the hand-held vice types, as its tong-like structure means it can be used to hold minute workpieces as well as slightly larger ones.

  • Use to hold small objects tight while grinding, drilling, filing, hammering, sanding, shaping, etc.
  • Jaws have vertical and horizontal V grooves for holding round objects.
  • Use a hand vise and save your fingers. Hand vise has a handle attached to a set of jaws which can clamp down on various items.

2 inch, 3 inch, 5 inch


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