PVC0-20 meters
Strong PVC Coated Steel wires with 2 hooks are flexible and can be coiled for storage and can be easily cut for adjusting the length.
Product Features:- PVC Coated Steel Wire Rope for Hanging Clothes.
Makes a Strong Washing / Clothesline.
Anti-Rust with Long Span Life 2 Plastic Hooks for Hanging the Rope.
Flexible and Easy To Cut for Adjusting The Length. Package Includes 20 Meter PVC Coated Steel Rope Clothesline.
Package Includes 20 Meter PVC Coated Steel Rope Clothesline.
The PVC Coated Steel Rope with a length of 20 m can be used for hanging clothes.
weight: 0.96 grams
Cloth Rope PVC Coated Anti-Rust Unbreakable Steel Wire Rope For Clothes Drying.
Stainless Steel Clothes line, drying & hanging clothes in Indoor and Out door, Fancy Style Laundry Dryer.
20 meters Steel, Plastic Clothesline (20 m)
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